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A Discussion of New York’s Drug Courts


Drug crimes have been a perceived problem in the United States for decades. While some lawmakers believe that tough penalties and serious consequences are the best way to deal with alleged offenders, others take a less stringent approach to addressing drug offenses in individuals who may suffer from addiction. From this latter form of assessment the drug courts of the country were born.

The state of New York operates over 140 drug courts. Some are criminal, some are family law and some are solely dedicated to supporting juveniles. Criminal drug courts can guide their participants to drug diversion programs and treatment options. When the participants finish their programs they may seek to have their drug charges eliminated or reduced.

Family drug courts help individuals addicted to drugs to kill their habits. Once they are able to manage themselves they may be entitled to more contact with their children through visitation and more contact with other loved ones due to their developing sense of stability.

Juvenile drug courts help young people deal with addition and avoid the legal consequences of delinquency and criminal charges. All of the drug courts discussed herein work with people to help turn their lives around when drugs have taken a role in guiding their actions.

Enrollment in a drug court program may be an option for a New Yorker if addiction is a part of their legal dilemma. Addiction is a disease that may be overcome with the right treatment and care. Unlike incarceration, fines and other penalty-based legal remedies, drug treatment support can help individuals end the pattern of destructive behavior in their lives before it ruins them.
